Tyler Day
District Anti Bullying Coordinator
Chuck Mussachio
PK - 3rd Grade Anti-Bullying Specialist
Tarin Leech
4th -8th Grade Anti-Bullying Specialist
The HIB Incident Form may be turned into the designated HIB Specialist, or the form may be turned in anonymously to the school’s main office.
HIB Self Assessment 2023-2024 -
HIB Reporting Procedure -
Formulario HIB 338 Formulario de notificación de acoso, intimidación u hostigamiento (HIB) Año escolar 2024-2025 (pdf) -
HIB 338 Form Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (HIB) Mandatory Reporting Form 2024-2025 School Year (pdf) -
HIB Self Assessment 2022-2023 -
HIB_Incident_Form_ForFamilies (pdf) -
HIB Policy (pdf) -
HIB Grade 2019-2020 (pdf) -
HIB Grade 2018-19 (pdf)